How To Effectively Use Hashtags: Ultimate Guide

How To Effectively Use Hashtags: Ultimate Guide

Are you using hashtags on your social media posts? If not, you’re missing out on a great way to connect with new people and promote your brand. Hashtags are a powerful tool to use on social media, but only if you use them effectively. Here are some tips on how to use hashtags to get the most out of your social media posts.

How To Effectively Use Hashtags

Hashtags are the most important social media marketing tools. They help you to get more followers and engagement on your social media profiles.

But sometimes when you are using hashtags in your posts, you will get negative comments for using the wrong hashtag.

In this post, I will explain you the effective and simple ways to use hashtags in your social media profiles.

Hashtags Are An Important Part Of Social Media Marketing

Before starting to use hashtags, you need to understand that hashtags are one of the most important parts of social media marketing.

People use hashtags to find relevant information on specific topics and also to find related accounts on different social media platforms. Let’s take an example: You are sharing some information regarding the fashion industry and you use a hashtag #Fashion, so people who are interested in fashion will be able to find you and engage with you.

The same thing applies to Instagram and Twitter.

But it is very important to use the correct hashtag because if you use the wrong one, then your posts will be removed from the search results. Also, if you use the wrong hashtag, then you might lose a lot of engagement and followers.

Here Are Some Simple Tips On Using Hashtags

1. Use Relevant Hashtags

The first step to using hashtags effectively is to use relevant hashtags. Relevant hashtags are those that are related to the content of your post.

For example, if you’re sharing a photo of your new office, you could use the hashtag #officegoals. If you’re sharing a recipe for a healthy snack, you could use the hashtag #healthyeaters.

2. Use Popular Hashtags

Another great way to use hashtags is to use popular hashtags. Popular hashtags are those that are being used by a lot of people.

For example, the hashtag #instagram is currently one of the most popular hashtags on Instagram. If you use this hashtag, your photo will be seen by a lot of people.

3. Use Unique Hashtags

In addition to using relevant and popular hashtags, you should also use unique hashtags. Unique hashtags are those that are not being used by a lot of people.

For example, the hashtag #bloggingtips is not being used by a lot of people. However, if you use this hashtag, your photo will be seen by a lot of people who are interested in blogging tips.

4. Use Hashtags in Your Bio

Another great way to use hashtags is to use them in your bio. Your bio is the section of your profile where you can include a brief description of yourself.

For example, if you’re a photographer, you could include the hashtag #photography in your bio. This will help people who are searching for photographers to find you.

5. Use Hashtags in Your Posts

In addition to using hashtags in your bio, you should also use them in your posts. When you use hashtags in your posts, it helps people who are searching for that particular topic to find your post.

For example, if you’re sharing a photo of your new office, you could use the hashtag #officegoals in your caption. This would help people who are searching for office goals to find your post.

6. Use Hashtags to Connect with Other Users

Another great way to use hashtags is to connect with other users. When you use hashtags in your posts, it helps people who are searching for that particular topic to find your post.

For example, if you’re sharing a photo of your new office, you could use the hashtag #officegoals in your caption. This would help people who are searching for office goals to find your post.

7. Use Hashtags to Promote Your Brand

In addition to using hashtags to connect with other users, you can also use them to promote your brand. When you use hashtags in your posts, it helps people who are searching for that particular topic to find your post.

For example, if you’re sharing a photo of your new office, you could use the hashtag #officegoals in your caption. This would help people who are searching for office goals to find your post.

8. Use Hashtags to Get More Followers

In addition to using hashtags to promote your brand, you can also use them to get more followers. When you use hashtags in your posts, it helps people who are searching for that particular topic to find your post.

For example, if you’re sharing a photo of your new office, you could use the hashtag #officegoals in your caption. This would help people who are searching for office goals to find your post.

9. Use Hashtags to Increase Your Engagement

In addition to using hashtags to get more followers, you can also use them to increase your engagement. When you use hashtags in your posts, it helps people who are searching for that particular topic to find your post.

For example, if you’re sharing a photo of your new office, you could use the hashtag #officegoals in your caption. This would help people who are searching for office goals to find your post.

10. Use Hashtags to Connect with Influencers

In addition to using hashtags to increase your engagement, you can also use them to connect with influencers. When you use hashtags in your posts, it helps people who are searching for that particular topic to find your post.

For example, if you’re sharing a photo of your new office, you could use the hashtag #officegoals in your caption. This would help people who are searching for office goals to find your post.



11. Choose The Right Hashtag

Hashtags are the most important part of the social media marketing, so make sure that you choose the right one for your profile.

There are two types of hashtags:

  1. Generic Hashtags
  2. Brand Hashtags

Generic hashtags are the most common one which you can use in your posts and tweets. These are used for searching and finding relevant information.

These hashtags are not branded and it is the best option to use generic ones.

Brand Hashtags are the ones which are used by specific brands and it is the second most common type of hashtags. These are used for promoting your brand and getting more engagement.

12. Create The Correct Hashtag List

Before you start using the hashtags, make sure that you create a list of the right ones for your account.

You can check the hashtags of similar accounts and you can add some of the most popular ones to your list.

You can also take help from the experts and ask them to suggest you the right ones for your business.

13. Choose The Right Hashtag Based On Your Post

It is very important to use the correct hashtag based on your post.

If you are posting a photo, then you can choose a generic hashtag but if you are sharing some videos then you need to choose a brand hashtag.

If you want to get maximum engagement, then you can also share the links of the articles written about the topic that you are posting.

14. Add Hashtags In A Good Order

You need to remember that you cannot add all the hashtags in one go. Instead, you should add them in a logical and correct order.

For example:

If you are posting a picture, then you can include the hashtag of the image in the caption.

How To Effectively Use Hashtags On Different Social Media Platforms

While the concept of the hashtag is simple enough – a way to label content and make it easily searchable – using them effectively is a bit more complicated. Let’s take a look at how to use hashtags effectively on various social media platforms.

How To Effectively Use Hashtags On Twitter

On Twitter, hashtags are used to categorize content and make it easier for people to find tweets that are relevant to their interests. You can include up to three hashtags in a tweet, and they can be placed anywhere in the tweet. However, placing them at the beginning or end of your tweet will make them more visible.

When choosing hashtags for your tweets, it’s important to use ones that are relevant to your content and that are not too popular or too obscure. If you use a popular hashtag, your tweet is likely to get lost in the noise. And if you use an obscure hashtag, nobody is going to be searching for it.

How To Effectively Use Hashtags On Facebook

Hashtags on Facebook work similarly to those on Twitter. They are used to categorize content and make it easier for people to find. However, there are a few key differences.

First, on Facebook, you can use as many hashtags as you want in a post. There is no limit. Second, Facebook provides suggestions for hashtags that you can use based on your content. Third, you can search for hashtags that have been used by other people.

When choosing hashtags for Facebook, it’s important to use ones that are relevant to your content and that are not too popular or too obscure. If you use a popular hashtag, your post is likely to get lost in the noise. And if you use an obscure hashtag, nobody is going to be searching for it.

How To Effectively Use Hashtags On Instagram

Hashtags on Instagram are used to categorize content and make it easier for people to find. You can use up to 30 hashtags on Instagram, and they can be placed anywhere in the caption of your photo.

When choosing hashtags for Instagram, it’s important to use ones that are relevant to your content and that are not too popular or too obscure. If you use a popular hashtag, your photo is likely to get lost in the noise. And if you use an obscure hashtag, nobody is going to be searching for it.

How To Effectively Use Hashtags On Pinterest

Hashtags on Pinterest are used to categorize content and make it easier for people to find. You can use up to 20 hashtags on Pinterest, and they can be placed anywhere in the caption of your pin.

When choosing hashtags for Pinterest, it’s important to use ones that are relevant to your content and that are not too popular or too obscure. If you use a popular hashtag, your pin is likely to get lost in the noise. And if you use an obscure hashtag, nobody is going to be searching for it.

How To Effectively Use Hashtags On YouTube

Hashtags on YouTube are used to categorize videos and make them easier for people to find. You can use up to 500 characters in the tags section of your YouTube video, and you can place the hashtags anywhere in that section.

When choosing hashtags for YouTube, it’s important to use ones that are relevant to your content and that are not too popular or too obscure. If you use a popular hashtag, your video is likely to get lost in the noise. And if you use an obscure hashtag, nobody is going to be searching for it.

As you can see, using hashtags effectively on social media requires a bit of thought and planning. But if you take the time to choose the right hashtags, you’ll be rewarded with increased visibility for your content.

YouTube Marketing

YouTube Marketing


Every self-respecting marketer knows that video is more engaging than text. That’s almost a given!  And well, when you put this statement next to some facts from the world of neuroscience, it’s no wonder marketing experts are saying, “video has never been THAT HOT!” 

This is no wonder, though, because the brain processes video 60,000 times faster than text,and over 90% of the sensory information transmitted to the brain is visual.  This means that if you want your prospective customers’ attention and engagement then you MUST use videos as a core part of your marketing strategy.  And frankly, what is a better way to do that, thanthe good ol’ video platform we know as “YouTube”?

Yeah, you might have heard it – YouTube ads are expensive. And that’s true! But have you ever thought about the fact that it may be expensive for a reason?

Here’s Why YouTube WORKS!

That reason is that, well, it works! Why does it work the way it does, you may ask? Well, it’s very simple – For starters, it is a huge, popular, trustworthy platform where people spend a good chunk of their wake time, DAILY.

With more active users on the platform comes more potential eyeballs for your ads. And, you guessed it- More highly active users on a trustworthy platform means… Better conversions! So think of YouTube advertising not as an expense but rather as an investment in your business. You invest in data to see what works and what doesn’t so that you can double down on the things that work.

This is how you scale your business.

How To Approach YouTube Marketing

Yes, the above-said does make sense, and it is true, but that doesn’t mean YouTube will give you sales, automatically. You have to still put in the work and follow a specific process and do good on your creatives. So how is it that you can approach YouTube marketing, even as a complete beginner?

Let’s find out!

Click here to download the full Ebook

Ways To Multiply Engagement 

Ways To Multiply Engagement 

In this article, we will explore some ways to multiply engagement with your content. By using these methods, you can ensure that your content is seen and interacted with by more people, which can lead to more conversions and sales.

If you are not using social media to increase your brand awareness, you are missing out.

Online platforms like Instagram, tik tok and youtube can help you 10x your engagement and in turn, increase sales.

The best part? These platforms have algorithms that literally reward you for being active and posting towards a certain group of people.

Ways To Multiply Engagement

Use these 6 techniques and principles and see your engagement skyrocket!

If you’re looking for ways to multiply engagement, here are a few ideas:

1. Make it easy for people to engage.

Make sure your content is easy to consume and understand. Use clear and concise language, and don’t make people work too hard to engage with your content.

2. Use images and videos.

People are more likely to engage with content that includes visuals. Adding images and videos to your content will help capture attention and encourage people to stick around.

3. Be timely and relevant.

Make sure your content is timely and relevant to your audience. If people can see that you’re talking about something that’s important to them, they’re more likely to engage.

4. Be personal.

People like to feel like they’re being spoken to directly. When you’re creating content, think about how you can make it more personal and tailored to your audience.

5. Ask for engagement.

Sometimes, all you need to do is ask! If you want people to share, comment, or like your content, just ask them. People are more likely to do what you want if you ask them directly.

By following these tips, you can help ensure that your content is more engaging and likely to be seen by more people.

Count Your Followers

There are multiple stages to the development of a community around a brand.

Usually, every business starts as a nano company that is known to and supported by just a couple dozen people, which eventually turn into thousands.

From then on, depending on the company and the approach, this can scale up to a mega company of up to 5 million followers. Needless to say, such exposure and brand awareness will inevitably lead to sales and it is all up to you to get there!

Here’s What Your Visual Branding Needs

Your brand’s approach to visual branding doesn’t really have to be over the top.

Instead, you must simplify it in a way that will highlight the company’s ethics, values, purpose and value proposition.

How do you go about visual branding? Let’s discuss it!

What Is Your Brand Strategy 

In a market of well-trained sharks, you cannot afford to not have a strategy for your brand.

A strategy, of course, entails a lot of potential ideas that get tested on the actual market.

A good strategy is usually not the result of a genius thought, but rather, careful analysis and data collection.

How do you go about your brand strategy? Comment down below!

Things That Could Make Your Business Appear Unprofessional

As a business owner, you must acknowledge that there will be many seemingly insignificant things that can make you lose clients.

These can be details such as:

  1. Lacking a custom address
  2. Inconsistent support
  3. No concrete brand colour scheme
  4. Low-quality images
  5. Unclear mission/message

5 Constituents of a Brand

Establishing a trust-worthy brand is a matter of balancing the many different aspects of business development.

Here are the 5 main constituents of a brand:

  1. Value proposition
  2. Vision
  3. Goal
  4. Message
  5. Graphics

Which one is on top of your priority list? Comment down below!

Integrating Collateral Design 

There are a variety of content types that you can tackle within your brand’s content strategy, to ultimately improve customer experience and boost engagement.

These can be things like infographics, email signatures, business cards and even media kits and blog post graphics.

All of these open room for creativity so it is up to you to engage the customers!

Marketing Is…

When you have an idea that sparks your brain up, enthusiasm and deep emotions are instantly felt.

Your marketing strategy has to be created in a way that will translate that same emotion to the potential customers.

This sort of compassion is the only way to trustworthy relationships with clients!

How to Use Storytelling as a Great Marketing Tool

How to Use Storytelling as a Great Marketing Tool

Think about that time you sat down to read an interesting book or listen to a highly engaging podcast. Chances are you were so drawn into it that your brain simply lost all consciousness of your surroundings. Only by hearing a sudden noise or someone bulging into your space and calling your name did you finally snap back into reality.

That’s the power of storytelling. It draws you into this other world and grabs your constant and undivided attention. Imagine if you could use this power in your business marketing campaign to grab the undivided attention of potential customers.

Guess what… you certainly can!

How to Use Storytelling as a Great Marketing Tool

Storytelling can be a great marketing tool if used correctly. It can help create an emotional connection with your audience and make your brand more relatable. When crafting a story, be sure to keep it simple, focus on a single message, and make sure it aligns with your brand. If you can do all of these things, you’ll be well on your way to using storytelling as a great marketing tool.

And this is how.

1. Using Storytelling To Stir Empathy In Customers

One way that you can use storytelling in your marketing campaigns is by intending to stir up feelings of empathy in your customers.

It would be improper for any business to even attempt selling anything without first understanding what frustrations and challenges that customers are going through.

Having done this by interviewing the customers themselves, businesses can then create stories that show how using their products helped them deal with their problems and frustrations.

For instance, you can create a video that shows how the customer was frustrated with a certain issue but found a solution in the products that your business offers.

Potential customers watching this will feel empathic and are more likely to trust your brand more. You will solidify your brand in the minds of potential customers and turn them into repeat and loyal clientele.

2. Customer Engagement

The aggressive advertising carried out by most businesses has left a damaging effect on customers’ attention span. They hardly take the time to look at an advert for long enough before shifting to the next.

Storytelling offers an excellent way to grab and maintain customer attention. And by doing so, you know that you can influence their buying decisions.

Stories can move the customer’s emotions and by this, you can steer their emotions towards purchasing your business products.

3. Great Stories Also Mean Great Content

You can provide stories in your blogs giving your site visitors something interesting and exciting to read about.

One way that you can create loyalty is by providing free content that is also exciting and engaging.

If you are always providing top-quality content and stories, then readers will automatically associate your brand with certain things. When they need these things, it is your business they will think about first.

4. Creating Memories

When people hear an exciting and even inspiring story, it arouses certain emotions in them. As they are reading the story, they are also creating mental images. This means that the story remains etched into their memory.

Marketers can use this to their advantage. Now that they have customers hooked, the customers will think about the brand the next time they need a product.

For instance, imagine a story about a woman who lost 30 pounds of body fat in a month. Your first reaction will be wow? If you have been trying to lose weight, then this will arouse curiosity in you as you wonder how you can do that and achieve similar results.

Marketers can then use this connection to sell their products.

Final word

One thing is for sure. Storytelling works. It is that one tool that you can always rely upon with your marketing. The reason is that it appeals to the customer’s emotions and urges them towards taking a certain action. This builds trust in the brand and makes it easier to sell products to the customers.

What You Should Know About Inclusive Marketing

What You Should Know About Inclusive Marketing

Have you ever seen an advertisement and felt like it was meant for someone else and not for you? You must have felt alienated like you were unimportant. Sadly, societal bias and stereotypes based on race, ethnicity, and religion are all too common and this reflects in the inclusive marketing.

For instance, males are shown more in adverts than women are. On the other end of the spectrum, women appear more in revealing adverts than men. Very often brands fail to include all members of society yet expect everyone to purchase their products or services the same.

What is Inclusive Marketing

Inclusive Marketing is the concept of marketing to everybody. While most marketers tend to focus on just one type of market, inclusive marketing targets, everyone.

Inclusive marketing is all about making sure your message and marketing are designed to fit everyone. It’s not about being specific, it’s about being all-encompassing. Inclusive marketing doesn’t mean that every single person is going to like you or buy your product or service. But it does mean that you’re going to be appealing to everyone, regardless of their age, gender, race, or sexuality.

How To Make The Best Use Of Inclusive Marketing

Inclusive marketing is more than just including faces of minorities in adverts or changing the colours of your products. This is not all that is needed to get people to purchase products.

So where do you begin?

Culture! That’s where. Dedicate your resources and research on understanding the political, social, and economic views of your target market.

Understand their challenges. This will mean immersing yourself in their world and putting yourself into their shoes.

This in turn will equip you with the information necessary to create adverts that appeal to customers and that will offend them.

Get the right team

And the right team represents the different cultures and ethnicities in the greater society. Look at it this way, can a man sell beauty products? Sure he can! But would it be better if there was a woman on the team?

Similarly, can women sell shaving products? Of course! But would it be better if there was a man in the team who shaves on a regular?

This same concept should be considered with different ethnicities. A Mexican knows more about his people and understands their perceptions more than a black man. Similarly, a black man knows more about the black community and its challenges than a white man.

You get it!

Understanding the role of women

Women for instance make up the female economy. Last year alone, women spent over 24 trillion dollars. What’s more, it is expected that as more and more women enter the workforce, this number will continue to grow.

Savvy marketers are aware of this and are now representing women more in their marketing campaigns. This can be an excellent way to ensure your marketing budget goes even further. Many businesses are now realizing the potential and are changing their marketing tactics to appeal to more women.

Inclusive Marketing And Its Effects on Consumer Behaviour

Consumers are much more likely to buy products from brands that make them feel recognized and appreciated as a valuable part of the community.

For instance, black consumers are more likely to buy products from a brand that shows black people in their adverts.

With inclusive marketing, your campaigns can have more impact and persuade more people to choose your products.

A great example of inclusive marketing is Rhianna’s Fenty Beauty. It markets to different races and ethnicities in over 137 countries. One of her adverts even showed a Muslim girl with a hijab.

Ultimately Inclusion Is For All

When it is all said and done, inclusion is not about creating ads that target a certain ethnicity or group of people. It is about creating a successful campaign that takes into consideration the feelings, emotions, and views of everyone in society. The goal is to make everyone feel appreciated without alienating some.

Inclusion marketing is an ongoing process of evaluating and re-evaluating societal concepts.

Benefits of inclusive marketing

As a business owner, you know that marketing is important to the success of your company. But what you may not realize is that inclusive marketing is essential to reach the widest possible audience and to ensure that your company is seen as welcoming to all.

Inclusive marketing is about more than just making sure that your marketing materials are available in multiple languages or that you have a diverse group of people in your ads. It’s about creating a marketing strategy that includes everyone, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, or ability.

There are many benefits to inclusive marketing. For one, it allows you to reach a larger audience. When you include everyone in your marketing, you’re more likely to appeal to a wider range of consumers. This can lead to increased sales and profits.

Inclusive marketing also helps you build a better reputation. Consumers are more likely to do business with companies that they perceive to be welcoming and inclusive. By being inclusive in your marketing, you’re sending the message that you’re a company that values diversity and that you’re committed to serving all customers equally.

Inclusive marketing can also help you attract and retain the best employees. When you have a diverse workforce, you’re more likely to attract top talent. And when you have a workforce that feels included and valued, they’re more likely to stick around and help your business grow.

Finally, inclusive marketing is simply the right thing to do. It’s important to remember that we’re all human beings, and we all deserve to be treated with respect. When you market to everyone, you’re helping to create a world that is more tolerant, understanding, and compassionate.

If you’re not already doing inclusive marketing, now is the time to start. It’s good for business, and it’s the right thing to do.

Final word

Inclusive marketing goes beyond selling products. It can be a powerful tool to help fight biases in society. It makes everyone feel part of the same community which ultimately also brings people together.