In Search of a Good Life

In Search of a Good Life

Sometimes I get up in the mornings and wish that nothing would ever go wrong if I could just live day by day without anything bad happening or not making any mistakes. I wonder what it would be like. I know you are probably saying: “that is not how life is, who are you kidding” right?! Left to our own devices with enough opportunities we all eventually mess up and things do happen that are bad.

That is why we have so many rules that we come up with for ourselves. In my recent studies of ancient philosophy, my favourite person has become Marcus Aurelius because he discovered that self-meditation was what got him through the rough patches in his life. He called it” epithets for the self”. It’s kinda like saying: know what you stand for and stick to that, hold the line. 

In Search of a Good Life

Living a good life is about coming up with your own values, your own rules and your own way of living your life. In practice, it’s a set of rules you live by. This ensures that you are going to stay on the right path and that you won’t compromise your standards so that you don’t deviate from the life you want to have.

I’ve been developing my own set of rules and standards to live by. Yes life does happen and life does get in the way, but for the most part, I work on rectifying things and getting back on track. I have a set of 12 rules and in this article, I will share the first 6. 

Rule 1: Own My Morning

Sometimes I have trouble getting out of bed and believe me it is hard. But I own my morning and I get out of bed so that I can have a productive day. I most definitely want to stay under the covers and sleep a few more hours. But I get up because I know that if I own my morning then the rest of the day will turn out well. My daily morning habits are: 

  • Work out first thing in the morning: get it out of the way otherwise, it won’t happen. 
  • Journal: Great historical people insist on journaling to clarify the mind, provide room for quiet and it is a private reflection just to name a few good things about journaling. 
  • Deep-Focused Work: Concentrate on the task at hand and do it like it’s the most important thing in your life. 3 hours of deep work is better than 18 hours of half-ass work. 

Rule 2: Focus on What’s in Your Control

Marcus Aurelius always wanted to simplify and separate matters so that he could stay in control of what was in his control. He used to say that “it does not matter what other people say or think, it only matters what you do or think.” Think about your problems and separate them into categories. 

  • What can you control about your problems? 
  • What is out of your control? 

Then only focus on what you can control and nothing else because that which you can not control will work itself out in the long run, it always does.

Rule 3: Do not Entertain Imagined Troubles

Seneca advice people to “do not be unhappy before the crisis comes, do not exaggerating, or imagine all the bad things, do not anticipate, and do not let sorrow stay in your daily life” Don’t let anxiety or worry get the best of you.You will suffer more from your imagined troubles than your actual reality. 

Stay in the present, do not let your imagination overtake reality.

Rule 4: Treat Success and Failure the Same

You are the same whether you lose a limb, get fired, or become a millionaire. You are the same when you are at the top of the world or down on your luck. Do not lose yourself because of the things that happen to you or around you. Don’t be overly joyful when something good happens and don’t be overly sad when something bad happens in your life. 

Rule 5: Do One Thing Every Day and Do It Well

Do one thing every day that is important to you and curb your procrastination tendencies. Stay humble, persistent and work to improve every single day. Acquire something that will fortify you against misfortunes. 

Rule 6: Make Amazing Choices

Make better choices because it makes you feel better and because you want to create a better life. What does your life look like? Are you in shape? Do you want to eat better? Do you want to be around for your kids when they grow up? Take the choice that challenges you to make a better life.

How do you have a good life? Well, you have to create it. If you are waiting around for things to change so that you can have a good life then you’ll be wasting your time. Life doesn’t change on its own. You have to put in the work and effort to make tiny changes in order to see your life differently. How do you show up every day in your life? Do you give up easily? Are you always angry at the world? 

We are all dying each day and our existence in this world is brief. How are you making a difference? ‘Til next time! ~ Cristie



In today’s society, the word passion comes up a lot. How can we find passion? is it something that prevents us from succeeding? or is it something that might fuel our life into action? We can lie to ourselves and say that it is the pure source of joy, but is it? Keep reading if you want to know about how to find and keep your passion.
As an avid student of philosophy, I have come to understand that “passion” is what contributes to our own “misery” why? because passion is all about the plain and destructive ego self-absorption at the expense of reality that drives us to our misery daily if left unchecked. We hear what we want to hear, do what we feel like doing and despite of being very busy and working very hard, we accomplish very little…we live our daily life without a plan and we just hope that we are going in the right direction.
Finding joy is the better option for finding passion. One of my favorite philosophers is Seneca, who wrote, “It comes from a good conscience, from honorable purposes, from right actions, from contempt of the gifts of chance, from an even and calm way of living which treads but one path…There are only a few who control themselves and their affairs by a guiding purpose; the rest do not proceed; they have merely swept along, like objects afloat in a river. And of these objects, some are held back by sluggish waters and are transported gently; others are torn along by a more violent current; some, which are nearest the bank, are left there as the current slackens; and others are carried out to sea by the onrush of the stream. Therefore, we should decide what we wish, and abide by the decision.”

How To Find Your Passion

What brings you joy? Do you make time to self-reflect? Do you ask yourself deeper questions? Who are you? why are you here? Have you found your joy? Do you reflect daily? do you make time for things that are important? The sooner you ask yourself these questions and the more time you spend answering them, the better life you will have.

We all have different passions in life. For some of us, our passion is our job, while for others, it might be a hobby or something we’re passionate about outside of work.

No matter what your passion is, it’s important to find ways to nurture and cultivate it. After all, our passions are what make us unique and special.

So, how can you find your passion? Here are a few tips:

1. Follow your heart.

This might sound cliche, but it’s true. Your heart knows what you’re passionate about. If you’re feeling lost or unsure about what you should do with your life, take some time to sit down and think about what makes you happy.

2. Do what you love.

If you want to find your passion, you have to be willing to put in the work. Pursue your interests and hobbies, and see where they take you. You might be surprised at how much you enjoy something if you give it a chance.

3. Be open to new things.

Don’t be afraid to try new things. You never know what you might find yourself passionate about. Sometimes, the things we’re most passionate about are the things we never would have thought to try.

4. Follow your dreams.

This ties in with tip number one. Our dreams are often a reflection of our passions. If you have a dream, don’t be afraid to pursue it.

5. Take your time.

Finding your passion takes time. It’s not something that happens overnight. Be patient and trust that the path to your passion will reveal itself when the time is right.

These are just a few tips to help you find your passion. Remember, there is no one right way to do things. The most important thing is to be true to yourself and follow your heart.

Passion is what makes us unique and special. It’s what makes life worth living. So, don’t be afraid to pursue your passions. They might just lead you to a place you never thought possible.

How To Find Your Passion When You Are Depressed

We all know the feeling. The world seems bleak and our passion seems like a far-off dream. We can’t see a way out and we’re stuck in a depressive rut. It’s a frustrating, scary, and often overwhelming place to be.

But it is possible to find your passion again, even when you’re feeling low. Here are some tips to help you get started:

1. Get in touch with your values

When we’re feeling lost, it can be helpful to reconnect with our values. What is important to you? What do you believe in? And what makes you happy?

Remembering what is important to us can help us to find our way back to our passion.

2. Set yourself some goals

It can be tough to find motivation when we’re feeling down but setting ourselves small goals can help.

Start with something achievable that you can work towards. It could be something as simple as taking a walk every day or reading one new book each week.

As you start to tick off your goals, you’ll begin to feel more capable and motivated.

3. Find a hobby or activity that you enjoy

Do you have a hobby that you used to enjoy but haven’t had time for lately? Or is there something new that you’ve always wanted to try?

Dedicating some time to an activity that you enjoy can help to boost your mood and give you a sense of achievement.

4. Reach out to your support network

When we’re feeling down, it can be easy to withdraw from our friends and family. But reaching out to our loved ones can be a huge help.

Talking to someone who understands and can offer support can make a big difference. If you don’t feel like you have anyone to talk to, there are also many helplines and support groups available.

5. Be patient with yourself

Finding your passion again takes time and it’s important to be patient with yourself. Don’t expect to feel better overnight.

Allow yourself time to grieve for what you’ve lost and to adjust to your new situation. Our passions can change over time, so don’t be afraid to explore new interests.

If you’re struggling to find your passion, it’s important to seek help. Talk to your doctor or a mental health professional if you’re finding things difficult.


How To Keep Your Passion

It’s easy to forget what you’re passionate about. Life gets in the way and we can get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. But it’s important to remember what lights your fire and keeps you going. Here are a few tips to help you keep your passion alive:

Find time for what you love

It’s important to make time for the things you’re passionate about. If you don’t, life can quickly start to feel like one big to-do list. Schedule time in your diary for the things you love, whether it’s going for a run, reading a good book or taking a dance class.

Find your tribe

Surround yourself with people who share your passions and who will support and encourage you. Whether it’s joining a sports team, taking a cooking class or becoming a member of a book club, being around like-minded people will help you stay motivated and inspired.

Do something new

Don’t let your passion become stagnant. If you feel like you’re in a rut, try something new. Explore different aspects of your passion or try a completely new activity. This will help to keep things fresh and exciting.

Find a balance

Passion is great, but it’s important to find a balance. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket and make sure you have other things in your life that bring you joy. Having other interests will help to keep you well-rounded and prevent burnout.

Passion is an essential part of a happy and fulfilling life. Don’t let it slip away – make a conscious effort to keep it alive.

Why Passion Is Important

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the rat race and forget what’s truly important in life. We can lose sight of our dreams and what we’re passionate about. That’s why it’s so important to keep the passion alive.

  • Passion is what drives us to achieve our goals. It’s what motivates us to get up each day and do what we love. When we’re passionate about something, we put our heart and soul into it. We put our all into it.
  • Passion is what makes us feel alive. It’s what makes us feel happy, fulfilled, and excited about life. It’s what makes us feel like we’re doing something worthwhile.
  • Without passion, life can be pretty boring. We can go through the motions day after day, but we’re not really living. We’re not really experiencing all that life has to offer.
  • Passion is what makes us unique. It’s what makes us stand out from the crowd. It’s what makes us special.
  • Passion is what makes us believe in ourselves. It’s what gives us the confidence to pursue our dreams. It’s what gives us the strength to keep going when things get tough.
  • Passion is what makes us human. It’s what makes us passionate about life.

So, why is passion so important? Because it’s what makes us who we are. It’s what makes us unique and special. It’s what makes us feel alive.

Read more, about the Importance of data.

How To Ensure Best Possible Start For a Small Business In Texas

How To Ensure Best Possible Start For a Small Business In Texas

Between March 2019 and March 2020, 69,430 small businesses opened in Texas and 60,952 small businesses closed. This statistic demonstrates the difficulty of successfully operating a small business. Starting a business is a daunting task and anything which can make success even a little bit easier is always welcome. That is why this article will outline several steps which any business can undertake to ensure the best possible start it can have. 

How To Ensure The Best Possible Start For a Small Business In Texas

Starting a small business in Texas can be a daunting task, but with the right planning and execution, it can be a successful endeavor. Here are a few tips to ensure the best possible start for your small business in Texas.

Pick A Business Name

While this may seem like a small and superfluous task, it is actually very important for the success of your business. A good business name will set your business apart from the competition. Your business’s name will also be the foundation of your business’s brand which is extremely important in the current business environment. Good branding can be the difference between success and failure and it all starts with a name. 

Incorporate An LLC

One of the best ways to establish any business is to incorporate an LLC. An LLC is a limited liability company. This is a business entity that provides limited liability protection to the business owner. This means that if the business goes into debt or goes bankrupt, creditors cannot expropriate the assets of the business owner. Similarly, if the business owner goes bankrupt in a personal capacity creditors cannot expropriate business assets. To get a head start on LLC formation in Texas consult this website for help.

How To Ensure The Best Possible Start For a Small Business In Texas

Request An EIN 

An EIN is an employee identification number and it functions like a social security number for a business. This is required to open a business bank account which is highly recommended. It is also the first step in the process of developing business credit. An EIN will also be useful for tax purposes. As it is necessary when filing tax withholdings for employees as well as filing for other forms of tax. 

Ensure You Have The Correct Licenses And Permits 

This will not necessarily apply to every small business as Texas does not require any general business licenses. However, depending on the type of business which you are operating. The state may require you to acquire a license or a permit to operate. These usually have a small administrative fee attached to them. In the case that you do require a permit or a license, it is mandatory to acquire them in order to operate legally. 

Make Sure You Meet The Business Employer Requirements 

These requirements will vary from business to business and will also depend upon whether your company has employees or not. It is recommended to consult a business lawyer if you are unsure about which state requirements you need to meet as this varies based on your business. You may be required or highly recommended to take out certain forms of business insurance including general liability insurance, workers compensation insurance, and business property insurance. These forms of insurance can protect you from lawsuits as well as unforeseen events which could compromise your business. 

Get A Business Bank Account 

This is the best way to separate your personal finances from your business finances. As previously mentioned it is also the first step toward building business credit which is incredibly valuable for your business. You can also use your business bank account to start a business credit card which you can use for your business expenses as well as for developing your business’s credit score. 

Starting A Small Business in Texas

When it comes to starting a small business in Texas, there are a few things you need to do to ensure the best possible start. First, you need to choose the right business structure. This will determine the legal and tax liability of your business. There are four main business structures in Texas: sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company (LLC), and corporation.

Sole proprietorships are the simplest and most common business structure in Texas. They are owned and operated by one person. The owner is personally liable for all debts and obligations of the business.

Partnerships are similar to sole proprietorships, but there are two or more owners. Each owner is liable for their own debts and obligations, but they share liability for the debts and obligations of the partnership as a whole.

LLCs are similar to partnerships, but they offer limited liability protection to their owners. This means that the owners are not personally liable for the debts and obligations of the LLC.

Corporations are the most complex business structure. They offer the limited liability protection of an LLC, but they also have a board of directors and shareholders. The board of directors is responsible for the overall management of the corporation. The shareholders elect the board of directors.

Once you have decided on the right business structure, you need to obtain the necessary licenses and permits. The type of business you are starting will determine the licenses and permits you need.

You also need to have a business plan. This document will outline your business goals, strategies, and financial projections. It is important to have a business plan because it will help you secure financing and investors.

After you have chosen the right business structure and obtained the necessary licenses and permits, you need to find the perfect location for your business. The location of your business should be based on the type of business you are starting. For example, if you are starting a retail business, you will want to choose a location that has high foot traffic. If you are starting a manufacturing business, you will want to choose a location that is near your suppliers.

Once you have found the perfect location for your business, you need to build a strong marketing plan. This plan should include a website, social media, and traditional marketing techniques.

The last thing you need to do to ensure the best possible start for your small business in Texas is to create a strong customer base. You can do this by offering a great product or service, providing excellent customer service, and building a strong reputation.

Final Thoughts 

Included in this article are many valuable pieces of advice on how to best start a small business in Texas. While every business is different there are also certain commonalities that every business shares and this advice can help your business succeed. An LLC, good business credit, and compliance with state laws will aid your business tremendously and put your business on the path to success. 

How To Build a Successful Team of International Freelancers

How To Build a Successful Team of International Freelancers

When you make the commitment to expand and improve your business, you need the best talent available. You will be limiting your future growth if you don’t tap into the skills of remote freelancers available all around the world. Voices note that veteran entrepreneurs agree that hiring freelancers has many benefits., Including the potential to create a talent network specific to your needs. By simplifying the process into four easy steps, as Blu Dragonfly outlines here. You will have an actionable plan for building a happy and productive team of international freelancers for your business.

How To Build a Successful Team of International Freelancers

When you are working with international freelancers. There are some things you need to know about them before you start working together. You should be aware of their cultural background. What they like to work on, how much money they make, and if they will accept clients from different cultures.

Here is an ultimate guide on how to build a successful team of international freelancers in only four steps.

1. Lay Administrative Groundwork

Taking care of some key administrative tasks before introducing new employees or freelancers to your business will save you trouble in the long run. You will want to have your financial affairs in order. Which may entail opening a business bank account for processing payments to your future freelancers.

Establishing a sustainable business structure is also important, so you may consider forming a limited liability company that will be subject to certain tax advantages and other flexibility benefits. You can avoid costly lawyers by using an LLC formation service to establish a business structure that complies with your state’s laws.

2. Determine the Type of Freelancer You Need

As a business owner, you should differentiate between the help you need locally and the tasks you can source to remote freelancers. Job Hunt points out that some common freelance fields include web development, accounting, and writing. When hiring remote workers for these tasks, be sure to think about the type of individual you would like to keep on your team long-term. You will be more likely to find a fruitful business partner in a freelancer with a skill set that can scale well into future projects. It is equally important to consider how consistent an individual’s work is with your existing brand design and voice.

3. Find and Hire Freelancers

Social media and freelance marketplaces are great platforms for advertising work opportunities with your business. If you prefer to scout out potential workers yourself. You can search online job boards for remote workers. For example, you could use Guru or similar sites to hire freelancers from Denmark. When you need to pay your workers, consider using a reliable low-fee money transfer service instead of typical payment platforms. And expensive international wire transfers.

4. Maintain Communication and Productivity

Completing your team of freelancers is not the end of your involvement in a business project. You have to continue to manage your team and may need to facilitate communication. Between several individuals across various time zones. Determine your team’s preference on a centralized communication channel, be it email or a third-party messaging app.

When collaborating on documents, you may need to make significant text or formatting edits to PDFs. To make this less of a hassle, try using an online conversion tool that automatically converts a PDF to Word, so you can quickly and easily edit it. Just upload your PDF, convert the file, start working in Word, and then save it as PDF when you’ve finished editing it.

With an outline for building a productive team of freelancers, you can tackle any business project with the best professionals from around the world. Your remote workers will be happier and more effective knowing that their team is being thoughtfully managed. Should you decide to expand your business, you might even use your prior experience to efficiently oversee multiple teams of international freelancers.

Blu Dragonfly creates relevant, meaningful, and personalized brand assets that ring in harmony with each other. Connect with us today to find out more! (214) 714.5344

6 Tech Heavyweights that are Moving to Texas

6 Tech Heavyweights that are Moving to Texas

The State of Texas is powered by 49 Fortune 500 companies, around 3 million small businesses, and thousands of publicly traded companies. The Lone Star State has a diverse, skilled workforce of over 14 million, and the economy of Texas is the 9th largest in comparison to other nations of the world. This is why it should come as no surprise that large tech corporations are moving or expanding their operations into the state. Tech giants such as Oracle, Tesla, Hewlett Packard, Samsung, Dell, and Advanced Micro Devices all have a strong presence in Texas. Proving that the state is well on its way to becoming the tech hub of the United States.

Austin Chamber of Commerce CEO Laura Huffman told local news sources that she anticipates Tesla to lead Austin into another strong year, saying, “We estimated … that for every job Tesla brought, you would get between four and six other non-Tesla jobs. We’re seeing that happen.”

Huffman went on to explain that Austin’s evolution into a manufacturing and technology nerve center has persuaded other businesses to consider expansion or relocation into the region. She noted Oracle announcing its headquarters moving to Austin and Samsung deciding late last year to deliver a $17 billion semiconductor plant to Williamson County.

6 Tech Heavyweights that are Moving to Texas

Texas has long been known for its low taxes, friendly culture, and booming economy. The state boasts over 2 million residents who enjoy a quality of life comparable to major cities across the country. In addition, the state offers a competitive tax climate, access to talent, and a strong infrastructure base. As a result, businesses from around the globe are choosing to relocate or expand operations in Texas State.

Here is a list of 6 tech heavyweights that are moving to Texas.

  1. Tesla
  2. Oracle
  3. Dell
  4. Hewlett Packard
  5. Samsung
  6. Advanced Micro Devices

Benefits of Starting a Business in Texas

With so many tech giants taking advantage of the benefits that the texas business ecosystem provides, many small businesses are following the lead of large corporations. By incorporating it into the Lone Star State at the onset, entrepreneurs avoid the hassle of having to move their operations later on. The process of starting a new business in the state will vary depending on the business structure. Sole proprietorships and partnerships do not require much work with regard to paperwork. However, C and S Corps require a significant amount of formalities.

LLCs, on the other hand, are somewhat of a hybrid structure that combines the flexibility of a sole proprietorship. Or partnership while still providing members with a significant amount of legal asset protection. Starting a Texas LLC is significantly less complicated and more cost-effective than starting a corporation. 

Entrepreneurs will be required to file the Certificate of Formation with the Texas Secretary of State. The filing process will incur a filing fee of $300 that is payable to the Texas state. The application process can be completed online or by mail. The Certificate of Formation is a legal document that will officially create the LLC in Texas.

Prior to application, entrepreneurs will have to decide on a name for the business. This should be carefully selected and should not contradict any of the naming regulations. Or guidelines that have been set out by the local state. And federal authorities. Entrepreneurs will also be required to assign a registered agent. Who will accept all correspondence from the government on behalf of the business? They will also reserve any legal service of process should the business be implicated in a lawsuit.

TRUiC is a great online platform for further research; this website will provide more in-depth information on how to start an LLC in Texas.

Final Thoughts

400;”>Texas is a business hub that is buzzing with innovation and talent. With the strong backing from the state and impressive tax incentives, it is no wonder that more. And more businesses have been moving to Lone Star State. CEO of Tesla, Elon Musk, not only moved his operations to Texas. But has since taken up permanent residency in the region as well, solidifying his faith in the benefits that the state provides. Small businesses will also be able to benefit from the impact that these larger companies will have on the economy of the state.