What's your Entrepreneurial Profile?

Discover Your Profile To Unlock Your Natural Path
To Wealth, Flow & Fulfillment


The Genius Test is based on a 5,000-year-old Chinese system of thinking called the I-Ching, which helps you in your life and business – to follow your business cycle, your natural vision, and the type of business you will be most successful in.


Take the simple Genius Test and discover your genius. Find your Natural way to learn, lead, live and love! all in one Know Thyself.

Know Thyself


When you discover which is your natural path, what makes you successful and what takes you out of balance you will naturally flow towards your success. Take the simple test and discover your Genius.

More Resources

talent dynamics box

Talent Dynamics Profile

Learn how you function on teams, how to create the right teams, and how to recruit the right people and put them in the right positions and projects to achieve organizational growth. Great for individuals, teams and organizations.


Wealth Dynamics Profile

Wealth Dynamics is the world’s leading profiling tool for entrepreneurs. Take the test to find out which of the eight wealth profiles is your natural path. Get clear direction on what wealth path to follow.

Cristie Remmel headshot

Consultation with Cristie Remmel

Limited Availability- Looking to grow your business successfuly using the Genius U methods? Book a free 30 minute consultation to discuss one time coaching, continuous coaching, or annual mentorships.

Genius Test


Cristie first started taking courses with Genius U in 2015. After running her business successfully Cristie embarked in attaining her certification as a mentor with Genius U. During the pandemic, Cristie was instrumental in helping the Genius U community thrive with her website development, graphic design skills and her marketing expertise. She currently ranks 78 out of 2,618 Mentors.

Know Thyself, Genius Test
  • 1. What is your genius test

    There is no single genius test that can identify a person's level of intelligence. However, there are a number of tests and assessments that can provide insights into someone's cognitive abilities and potential. Intelligence tests, such as the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, can measure a person's general intellectual ability. Cognitive assessments, such as the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities, can evaluate specific cognitive skills, such as memory, processing speed, and executive functioning. Giftedness assessments, such as the Cognitive Assessment System, can identify students who have the potential to excel in academics or a particular field. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to develop and use their own unique talents and abilities to achieve success in life.